Saturday, July 17, 2021

How To Say Elephanterlyoblepantercan by KA

How to say Elephanterlyoblepantercan.

You say Elephant, eryoble, pantercan.

It means in my language: “How to say Elephant’s pants in English”.

Should it be a book for English speakers to talk in my language and become translators?

I don't see why not.

How To Make A Pink Monkey by KA

You need:

1. A monkey
2.A can of pink paint.

You splatter paint at monkey.

Cat Playing the Piano On Owner's Head May Be New Classical Pianist!!! by KA

Poral the Cat played the piano on his owner’s head that weighed 13 tons! Mozart’s most famous pieces were conducted by this Tuxedo cat.

We are also getting evidence of other piano playing cats that are wild.

Friday, July 16, 2021

Two Witches of Sand by KA

 How to eat a paper sandwich

You need:

2 loafs of bread.

2 witches of sand

18 stacks of paper

And medicine so you can’t taste it.

Picture by KA

I see a picture

An funny picture

An silly picture

 An random picture

An old picture

An lone picture

On a bland wall

In The Bronx

A Thousand Words by KA

This post has been editorially removed.

Focus On Photography by MP

 9-year-old girl, does a WSSS camp on photography and today, got reported while displaying the different types of photography she has done this week. 

 When I asked her “What do you like about your Photography?” she responded “It was cool to see what the pictures are. When you zoom in it's not always clear but when you get further away it gets clearer.”

Another question that was asked to her was “Since when have you been into Photography?” She responded, “I have a camera I use at home a lot, but I learned a lot of new stuff at camp.”

The third question was “Do you think you will want to keep doing Photography?” she responded, “I definitely want to keep doing it but only for fun.”

 The last question I asked her was “What do you want to get better at while doing Photography?” she said “I want to get better at the Rule of Thirds.

 This girl's Photography was quite great. When I interviewed her, she had a board displaying different photos she had taken. She explained there were different types of Photography including, Texture, Perspective, Lines, Rule of Thirds, and more. These Photographers have had quite a fun week while Focusing on Photography. 

The Lightning Flash by MP

 Lila: Mom, how long will you be gone?

Lila’s Mom: Probably two hours.

Lila: MOM. You said last night only one hour. (Annoyed Voice)

Lila’s Dad: Honey, it is what it is. Me and your mom haven’t been out in a long

time. Besides, it's only a quick dinner. And if you feel scared at night you have

 got tucker with you. (says happily)

Lila: (Looks at her 2-month puppy who would wag his tail and kiss a terrorist)

Tucker: (Wag’s tail and widens adorable eyes at Lila)

Lila’s Mom: bye honey (closes door)

Lila is exhausted. But not sleepy, so she goes upstairs, changes into pjs, then goes back  downstairs and starts watching a movie on the couch with Tucker in her lap. She takes a bowl of vanilla ice-cream and gives Tucker a spoon every now and then.

Lila: What's that?! (people talking on tv, Lila sees flash outside)

Tucker: (perks ears up and gives out a little bark)

Lila: Tucker, let’s go see what it is. 

Tucker: (whines and runs under the couch)

Lila: Oh c’mon, don’t be such a baby, even though you are.


Lila puts on her sneakers. She gets Tucker’s leash. She puts it on Tucker. She tugs but Tucker doesn’t budge, so she carries Tucker out of the door and gets her phone on the way out.

Lila & Tucker: (goes to the backyard and sees it again. It's bright and fast like lightning. Zips through the yard behind one tree to the other)

Tucker: bark!

Lila: shhhh, we have to be absolutely quiet. We can’t scare it away. (says in a whisper) 

Lila: - ring, ring, - (Lila’s phone starts ringing, it’s her mom)

Lila’s Mom: Hey sweetie, how’s it going? We're just checking in.

Lila: hi mom, um yeah it's going great (says in quiet whispering voice)

Lila’s Mom: why are you whispering, is everything alright?                                               Lila: yeah! Totally fine it’s just…Tuckers sleeping.

Lila’s Mom: gotcha, we’ll be back in about 45 minutes.

Lila: ok, love you, bye.

Lila’s Mom: bye (phone call ends)

Tucker: (whines)

Lila: It’s not the end of the world that I lie about you, ok? Let’s go, Tucker, we should check it out.

Lila steps foot by foot towards the tree she was so close until she finally peered over and pop!



Lila: OMG! That’s no lightning flash. THAT’S A SQUIRREL!!! It has a light on it though.

Tucker: bark! (Tucker charges at full speed. Yanks the leash out of Lila’s hand)

Lila: Tucker!!! (Lila chases after him)

Lila runs after Tucker struggling to keep him in sight when finally, Tucker goes to Rachel's house. 

Tucker: Bark!

Lila: Tucker! You’re going to wake them up. It's 9:30!

Rachel: (yawns and opens door in PJ’s.) Lila?

Lila: Hi Rachel I’m so sorry, Tucker took off and started barking when we saw a squirrel. 

Rachel: No probl- wait. Did you say squirrel?

Lila: yeah. It was so weird. It had a light attached to it and it was zipping around my yard everywhere. I still don’t know why Tucker ran to your house after.

Rachel: Oh my gosh, that’s my squirrel! I put a light on her because every time I let her roam around the house, she’d get lost and it would take ages to find her but now, it only takes one minute because I see a flashing light in the room.

Lila: Well, what are you doing just standing there?! Your squirrels on the lose!

Rachel: Oh, right!


Lila, Rachel & Tucker: (race of into Lila’s backyard to find Rachel’s squirrel)

Lila: What’s your squirrel’s name? (while searching the yard)

Rachel: CHIPPY! There you are!

Lila: So that's his name!

Tucker: Bark! Bark! (sees Lila’s Mom and Dad pulling the car into the driveway)

Lila: OH NO! sorry I have to get back home, and fast. Bye! (Say fast. Runs Home)

Lila grabs Tucker and runs to the back of her house. Then she climbs up the vines up to her room and runs downstairs. She puts her phone on the counter and fasts forward the movie. Then she sits back on the couch.

Lila’s Dad: We’re HOOOMMEE. 

Lila’s Mom: Don’t shout! She might be asleep.

Lila: No, I’m not (she says with a smile)

Lila’s Mom: Hi sweetie, how were you?

Lila: Fine! Everything was great!

Lila’s Dad: glad to hear! Now we're both Star Wars experts!

Lila: yeah! (She thinks to herself, (oh no, what if he gives me a quiz))


The End

Music by RS

 The trees whistle 

the grass sways  

the flower dances 

the weeds hop from place to place 

the beetles play the drums  

crickets sing their favorite tune 

the music of nature is here 


 A pig with angel like wings flew over the Statue of Liberty amazing everyone who saw him. The pig was identified as Wilbur, he is flying toward his home Pigtopia, when the clouds moved away from where he was going, he was seen.

If you want to see Wilbur up close he was last seen in Texas. So, get your binoculars and camera and head toward Texas!


           On the 4th of July a shark was found with an alien, we believe it was a pet, but it was 

different than the normal shark, the shark was flying. He flew right above a firework making 

him and the blue alien visible.  

            The shark could be dangerous so, I would advise everyone to stay in your house until the flying shark and alien leaves Earth and goes to their own planet. NASA will follow the shark and alien to their home planet to make sure they don’t come back. AliA


                       On Friday, July 16 four young photographers from the age of seven to ten were interviewed for their marvelous photos. The young photographers have been working the whole week to show off their masterpieces including pieces of nature, texture, long shots, and close ups.


                     What inspired you to take these photos of nature?

          One girl said that they were walking down a trail and she really liked what she found on the trail, so she decided to take a photo.


                     Why did you decide to take this close up photo?

          I like how you can see what you’re looking at with the light shining on it, said a boy.


                     Why did you decide to take a picture of this pretty flower?

          A girl said that it is cool to see the different parts of the flower.


                     What do you like about your gallery?

          I’m not sure, I just enjoy looking at all of it, said a boy.


          We hope one day these young photographers will get to show off their talent in the world!


 A dog has been reported playing golf and really well, so well, people believe he should go pro, even animal control was impressed because dogs don’t have opposable thumbs.  

            He was said to have 8 holes in one and has a lot of fans, who watch him at every hole. He is the next big star golfer, and he is known to have a mohawk and spikey hair. 


 Asthma is hard and takes lots of your time. I have Asthma and so does my grandfather. It is hard because:

1: You cough all the time and sometimes can’t stop

2. If you have Coronavirus, you are more likely to get hospitalized because of Asthma

3. You can get tired easily and it is hard to play sports while coughing

4. You take medicines in the middle of games sometimes

5. Asthma attacks can make it hard to breathe

When you don’t have Asthma, you can have more fun and do more stuff if you aren’t coughing all the time. That it is why Asthma is hard.


 Hello, Tornado of firelight

Chases in the dark during the night

Fireflies come to play

Until the light of day

So at sunrise say goodnight

                                                              To the Tornado of Firelight


 River was returning to the place where she grew up as a slave. It sounds insane and crazy that this is where, a hundred years ago, in 1720, Queen Valentine made her stand. A Lunar Eclipse was about to happen for the first time since 17 years ago, when River was born. River went to the castle unnoticed and went to meet vainglorious Queen Vonetta, who would have listened to anybody else if she had not stood in front of her. River said,”O Queen Vonetta, I demand we be free and you heed that the Jones of Evil is in your head and to let me treat it with words of poetry.”:

Oh, slavery shall be my world,

But I pray to be free!

Oh, slavery shall be a devious act,

When you listen to your own mind.

Stop with the Jones.

Follow Queen Valentine!

And the queen sang along, broken from the spell:

Marjin is not a wasteland!

Today let’s have freedom,

Marjin is in good hands,

With the Queen…

And Queen Vonetta lastly sang:

And the Poetry Keeper River.

She declared slavery over and Poetry Keeper River helped keep all the poetry in order. All was well and all recent quarrels were forgotten and remembered again a month later in advance.


            Is this an insult, nobody knows, NASA is leaping into action to apprehend the aliens. This is a major crime, the aliens destroyed a monument of great importance. Aliens are now are enemy, they just started World War III. 

            We advise you not to get close to the aliens and stay cautious because we do not what anybody’s feet erased. Please don’t try to avenge Neil Armstrong if you are not a professional. 

Clockwise by KA

Tick toc

On the clock



Tick toc

On the clock

We’re timing our day

Brushing takes 5 minutes

Eating for 10

Studying takes 2 hours

And 30 eating again

Tick toc

On the clock



Tic toc

On the clock

Let’s say hooray!

VALENTINE’S GRIT Flash Fiction #1

Once there was a President named Jones and he was the dictator of Marjin, a place made for free speech, an island in the Market Globe, in the Pink Solar Systemwhich only had a blue star and a moon in it, besides the planet, of the Rainbow Galaxy, 300,000,000,000,000 lightyears westaway from earth. President Jones loved everything to be PERFECT. No messes at all. One SPILL costs $30. Imagine the cost. Fake and fake happy conversations for everyone but him. Girls wear pink chiffon dresses and boys wear farmers clothes, so President Jones could be the most attractive. All was President Jones’s treatment was kind and flirty. It was always about his lavish lifestyle in his palace. Only his favorite foods were eaten, which was food with VINAGER, and all his people could do was learning normal subjects, but freedom of speech was limited to the same fake conversation spoken by mouth. It was a cruel irony of the name and purpose of the city. Nobody liked him, but one was the one who REALLY had it bad was his forgotten maid, Valentine. She took care of everything in the castle BY HERSELF!!! Nobody loved her and she was alone in the world. She worked sunrise to sunset and wrote her book of revolution at night and slept 3 hours. When she finished her book at age 17, she had worked 9 years of trying to cure President Jones’s foot bacteria. She started a writing movement of people who read and write books about normal subjects with free speech while it seems to President Jones the city was haunted, and a year later, had enough support to overthrow President Jones.The citizens hid so it seemed as they diapered. Valentine hid in his closet dressed as a ghost and scared the president and he ran to the sea, hoped on a boat, never heard of again. The people rejoiced their new freedom and appointed Valentine as Queen Valentine to rule years to come.


 Chapter 1 Ready 

Lucy was pumped for her soccer game today. It was the finals of the U.S.A Cup. She couldn’t take her eyes off the clock until the bell rang for the end of the school day. 

            When she got home she looked at her jersey. Dark green with blue stripes going up and down on the jersey. On the back of the jersey is a nice number one and her last name Stavinski in yellow on the back. Her shorts are blue with green stripes going up and down. 

            Her team, the Mockingbirds never got this close to winning so, they were determined to win. They were playing the Kickers who won the U.S.A Cup five times in a row but, they practiced hard for this moment. They were ready. 

Chapter 2 Game Time 

            Lucy put on her headband and then walked over to the field to see three of her teammates warming up. Molly and James were warming up together while Lila was waving her over to where she was stretching. 

            Once everyone was there Coach Matt told them positions. Then they did their cheer then went on the field. They got to start with the ball. Lucy passed it to Lila to start the game. Lucy got an early breakaway three minutes in. She ran up the field as fast as she could. Right at the top of the goalbox she was ready to shoot and bam! Lucy wished that was her hitting the ball but, she tripped over something and fell on her face. The weird thing was it wasn’t the ground and it wasn’t someone’s foot. She stood up and saw the Kickers had scored. 

            For the rest of the game everybody on our team kept on tripping around there goalbox but, the other team didn’t trip once. So, the Kickers won 1-0. 

Chapter 3 Cheated 

            Lila and James are twins and think alike. So, they both thought the same thing that night. They cheated. Lila said, “Everyone on our team tripped around the same area.” 

            “We need to find out how and we need proof,” James said. 

            “Agreed,” Lila said. 

            So the next day they went back to the field to investigate. What they found was troublesome. A clear piece of string laying on the field. Lily remembered the goalie smirk every time one of us tripped. 

            The first person they went to see was the goalie. So, they walked up and rang the doorbell. The goalie introduced herself as Evelyn. They asked her why the players on the Mockingbirds kept on falling. 

            Then Evelyn said, “We really did a good job.” 

            Then Lila asked, “What do you mean.” 

            “Nothing,” Evelyn said a little too quickly. Realizing her mistake, she slammed the door shut. 

            “Now we need to find out who else did it.” Lila said.  

            “How are we going to ask everyone on their team,” James asked 

            “By being sneaky you nut brain.” Lila said 

Chapter 4 Sneaky Nut 

So they went home and Lila made sneaky nuts. Nuts that can open and have pieces of paper in them. 

The next day they the put the nuts at each house and then they would knock and then hide trying to read faces, hear words, and be sneaky all at the same time. 

They now knew who did it so they told the Kickers coach and Coach Matt. The Kickers got disqualified so, the Mockingbirds won! Lucy the team’s captain felt so proud of Lila. Now Evelyn and Mya a tall girl are running laps. 

The nut saved the day! 

Thursday, July 15, 2021


The bus come and screeches to a stop,

I get on so the bus rolls off.


The sun is turning from orange to yellow,

The fields are subtle, green and mellow.


When the bus gets to school, 

I walk inside and the ACs cool.


The clock ticks as the time flies,

All of a sudden, I’m saying goodbye.


I get on the bus and look for a seat,

My friend waves me over and the bus driver beeps.


I sit down quickly so we can go,

And in a minute we're on the road.


The bus goes to my house and screeches to a stop,

I get off so the bus rolls on.


Two tigers were found playing chess together, they appeared to be mates and not the Australian kind, sources say the girl won, obviously. Scientists tried giving tigers in the zoo, chess boards but they refused to play, so, this must be a natural talent acquired by tigers.

  We are still looking into this but, it seems that tigers have a strategic mind which gives us reason to believe that other animals could have unknown smartness. So, don’t think that tigers of any other animals are dumb if you don’t want to play chess with them. 


News Reporters all over U.S. and neighboring country’s swarm the inside of Houston, Texas asking NASA what triggered their thought of making a waterpark and how exactly do they plan to make the outside section. More and more reporters are questioning the government about their decision and the government responds, “I thought it was a joke!”. When taking a look at Nasa’s blueprint some of the top scientists are saying this water park will be both safe and physically possible to make. The water park features 173 slides and attractions. A slide called the ten-tickles features 10 drops on the slide and you would have to be 241 pounds to ride it. Poor elephants are getting stolen from Africa and being used as test dummies for the slide. Even though the water park will be opening in 2029, July 3, there is beginning to be a demand for fashionable space-swimsuits.


 Duke the duck is planning for a very exciting day. He is going to Colorado! He will ride an 

airplane then will hop in with his ante Tammy’s van to go and stay at their cabin! 

            Duke is packing. He is even packing his lunch box! Duke loves food. he makes sure to put his suitcase under his bed. Mama and Dada duck are packing too! The duck family needs to get up at five o’clock in the morning tomorrow

            When no-one can keep their eyes open, the duck family gets ready for bed. Before Dukes’ parents come into Duke’s part off the nest, Duke shoves three potatoes in his mouth. “Oh, potatoes.” He murmurs.

            “Night night Duke.” Said Dukes mom coming into his nest part.

            “Sleep well my Duke the Duck Dude.” Dada said coming in behind Mama.

            “Night Mama and Dada.” Duke responds as they leave the room. As they move the sliding stick door, Duke’s head hits the pillow, and he falls asleep.

            Soon later he wakes to his mom shaking him awake.  

            “Wake up! Wake up!” she shouts. “Dada’s alarm didn’t go off!”

            “Oh no!” Duke said already changing out of his PJs. He thought he put his suitcase in the car but there’s no time to think about that. He races down the stairs and hops into the car as Mama starts putting her foot on the peddle. He feels the wind swoop in, he still has the after taste of the three potatoes that he ate late last night. 

When they finally get to the airport, they are in such a rush no-one realized Duke forgot his suitcase! Once they get through secretary, Duke gets hungry again.

“I thought we wouldn’t make it!” said Mama duck.

“Me too!” said Dada duck

“Can I have some food please?” Duke asked

“Of course, sweetheart.” Mama duck said. 

When they get their fries form Ducks Fries, the boarding call starts. As they run, duke realizes that he has never run this fast in the airport, then he knows he forgot his stuff. 

 “I have never run this fast in an airport.” Then he released he forgot his luggage. Eh.” He thinks. “I don’t REALLY care.” Then he shoves a big fry in his mouth.

“When they get there, the hen is just shutting the door when they arrive. 

“Just in time!” she said. “Let me scan your tickets and you’ll be on your way!”

“Thank you!” Mama duck said.

Duke thinks it’s a good time to tell Mama and Dada duck about the suitcase but 

Mama is dragging him by the wing.

Once they find their seat, Duke starts thinking like any good animal should think “Where’s food?” 

            Once the airplane lands, Duke has eaten the content of all three lunch boxes. His tummy is starting it hurt but not too much that he stops. 

            Once they get their luggage, they go to meet ante Tammy. 

            “Oh Duke! How much you have grown!” Tammy exclaims. 

            “Hi.” Duke said sheepishly, knowing he should not say “Oh, how much you have aged!”

            “Well, Chop Chop, get in. Oh yes Duke, I have food in the trunk for you!”

Duke’s mouth starts to water, he knows he should not have more food but he’s so hungry! He gets the bag of food and starts chopping. The slow crunch just makes him feel on top of the world! 

            Soon later his tummy starts to hurt, squeezing, turning.

            “Dada? Can we have Dada and Duke time?”

            “Yes buddy.” Dada responds.

            “What’s wrong?” Dada said once they get outside.

            “I ate three potato’s last night, and I ate the content of all the lunch boxes and all the stuff in the bag in ante Tammy’s van!”

            “Oh bud, don’t worry, just maybe hold off on that next time.”

            “I also left my suitcase at home.”

            “That’s fine, know let get home.”

            “Ok.” Duke responded. “I think I learned my lesson.”

Synesthesia JP (KP)

synesthesia is

tasting colors,

seeing sounds,

hearing sensations.

it is

tasting periwinkle on the tip of your tongue;

a sweet, light, lovely speck.

it is

seeing the plink! of a piano key, E flat;

a tiny burst of pink and pools of smiling yellow.

it is

hearing the way a hardback book feels on the tips of your fingers, 

a heavy, steady blunk thrumming in your ears.



a different world

just for you.